Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Power of "We"

Verify Your WAZZUB Membership NOW!

     How to Verify Your WAZZUB Membership 
When You Received No Verification Email


This message IS NOT about another delay. Rest assured that we are on track with everything. Bugs are getting squashed, glitches are being fixed and our members are happier and happier day by day.

This message is about one small thing that everyone will benefit from:

A lot of members have been asking for more time to get their members verified and to send their verified members to our brand new home page, the “Perfect Internet” (PI).

We have promised to listen to our members and thus we have considered to give all members “3 EXTRA BONUS DAYS” to get it done once and for all. So, everyone will have until May 24, 2012 @ 11:59 PM (PST) to inform their Generations about PI.
This is ABSOLUTELY your last chance to get qualified for payments and other benefits.

NOTE: This means that you (pre-launch members) can still build your $Factor until May 24, 2012 @ 11:59 PM (PST). This is ALSO the date when we will freeze the $Factor.

Instead of the 22nd to the 31st of May for pre-launch members to agree with the special terms to receive payments and to upload proof of Identification, it will now be from the 25th-31st of May for everyone in order to qualify for payments. The gates are definitely closing on the 31st of May of 2012 @ 11:59 PM (PST).

The ones who don’t follow these steps will NOT receive payments.

We feel that a lot of people out there are not aware of their deadline and we don’t want anyone to miss this deadline; if they would do, a lot of people would miss their once-in-a-lifetime chance to receive payments just for having invited free members.

IMPORTANT: we are not able to extend any more time because our new time line is fixed and the first pay day is June 15, 2012.

So, it’s EVERY members’ JOB to spread the word consistently ASAP for the next 3 days.

ADVICE: Email all your 1st Generation members and tell them to do the same.
Get in your facebook, twitter, community, forums everywhere and spread the word.
All they’ll have to do is simply log in to and they are verified.
They can also request a lost or forgotten password.

 Here’s a great email and some subject lines:

[TIME SENSITIVE] Only 3 Days Left!
[URGENT] Get Verified NOW to Receive Payments!
[ACT NOW] F*R*E*E* Money Waiting for You!


Do you remember that you signed up for WAZZUB?

Your deadline to get qualified to receive payments is May 24, 2012 11:59 PM (PST). Simply go to and log in with your registered email address and password. Your account will be automatically verified (if it wasn’t already) and you will be able to add your personal data after May 24 to receive monthly, residual payments.

Remember, it’s F*r*e*e* Forever with lots of great benefits.

Go NOW and get verified before the deadline or you may regret it!

Go to: (PI), just log in, follow the easy setup steps and you’re all set. If you forgot your password, you can ask for a new one at that page.

After you have finished, please send this message to your first Generation and ask them to do the same.

The more members who activate their account at PI, the more profit will be made to be shared.

Or to refresh your memory, or if you can not remember PI, click “TAKE THE TOUR”
The [BLUE BUTTON]. You’ll be amazed with the brand new PI (PerfectInter.Net)

Let’s activate the POWER of “WE”!

Welcome aboard to our Phenomenon,

Your original inviter:

Your Name

------------------------------------ End of UPDATE -------------------------------------

If You are Already a Verified Member, Please go to our 
Main Blog for Daily News and Updates.
The Link is at the Bottom of this Blog.

Here is how to verify your  WAZZUB  Account when you received no verification email after signup:

Go to our login page at  and re-send verification email.

If you are still waiting for your verification email then please be patient and wait for the login process at to be launched. When you login at for the first time you will be led through several steps to set up your personalized home page. At the end of these steps, you will automatically be verified as a member at the Success Sharing Phenomenon. 

For all the JUICY news UPDATES go to our main blog:

We'll see you there.


All your questions can be answered in the support room in our WAZZUB.COM community.  Log into your 
 WAZZUB  community, scroll down to the very bottom "Left" and click on [ Chatrooms ] then click: WAZZUB Support.
There are many qualified members there 24/7 to answer your questions much, much quicker than here.

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